5 Easy & Effective new mom exercises you can do with baby!
Being a Newborn Photographer in Pell City, I run into a lot of moms who are insecure in their new mom bodies. If you ask me, I think you are all absolutely stunning & you are a work of art displaying several months of the miracle of life, sister! YOU. ARE. RAD! But, all too often none of us mommas feel like we are rad. I consulted with a private gym manager to help me come up with 5 Easy ways to workout WITH your new baby! That bundle of joy can double as an adorable, fun exercise tool! Keep reading for 5 easy & effective new mom exercises you can do with your baby!
Getting ready seems easy enough, but you will want to spend some time on this important step! Take a few moments to gather anything you will need like water, a cooling towel [This one is MY favorite!! HERE ], a sling or baby carrier, a hair tie if you have locks longer than ear-length, and some bangin' tunes!
Step 2. STRETCH!
Stretching is SO important! Do not skip this step in your quest for washboard abs & buns of steel! Stretching prevents cramps and pulled muscles, so no cheating. I've got my eyes on you, girl!
Step 3. Work it, Sister!
As promised, here is a list of 5 EASY & effective new mom exercises you can do with your baby!
Triceps Dips
Put that cutie patootie in a sling and strap your boots up, Girlfriend. We are doin' this!
-Position your highly sanitized, new-mom hands at a shoulder-width apart on a secured & stable low surface (like your couch, or a chair, or a bench).-Slide your hiney off the front of the surface of your choosing with your legs extended out in front of you.-Straighten your arms, keeping a slight bend in your elbows to keep tension on your triceps & OFF your elbow joints-Slowly bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle. Be sure to keep your back close to that couch!-Once you reach the bottom of the movement, press down to straighten your elbows, returning to the starting position. This completes one rep! YAY! No wine for you :-P.Aim to do 10-15 reps in 2-3 sets.
Had enough, yet? Didn't think so! You can do this, lady!
-Lie on your back on the floor. No need for anyone to know you haven't swept or mopped in a few weeks; Your secret is safe with me ;). Hold your baby up over you (NOT right after a feeding! #SPITUPCRISISONISLETHREE).-Bend those knees. Your feet can be flat on the floor OR you can keep them in the air for a little extra "crunch".-Lift your shoulders toward the ceiling, using your abdominal muscles( not that back, sister!) & bend your elbows as you lift up to sneak in a baby-kiss.-Ease back down slowly as you inhale & extend your arms back out to complete one rep.Try 10-15 reps in 2-3 sets to get your workout on, mama!
Cute Baby interruption
Squats are practically the easiest & most effective exercise out there!
-Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your toes angled slightly outward.-Hold baby whichever way feels most comfortable (Bonus points for holding little one out so that their feet can touch the floor when you squat).-Keep your chest upright & facing straight ahead as you push those child-bearing hips :P backward and bend those knees. Avoid "bending over" & try to keep your back straight & upright to minimize risk of straining your lower back or causing an injury.-Keep lowering your hips until your knees form a 90 degree angle with your knees remaining behind your toes. Oh, and keep your weight on your heels for extra brownie points.-Press through your heels & return to the starting position to complete a rep!Shoot for 10-15 reps in 2-3 sets to get fit, Girlfriend!
Overhead Press
You can stand OR sit for this one. You know your strength, woman, so pick a starting position & lets go!
-Hold that cute bundle of poop-I mean JOY-, just above your upper chest-Press that baby straight up as you extend your elbows & straight back down to your starting position. How easy was that?Do 10-15 reps in 2-3 sets to brag to your friends about, later <3.
Schedule your 6-month check up
Russian Twist
Ready for one you can REALLY brag about? Yeah? Lets do it!
-Sit on the floor with your hips & knees bent & feet flat on the floor, holding babycakes with your arms extended in front of your chest.-Lean back so that your body is at a 45-degree angle & use your abs to twist your torso as far as you can in one direction (NOT the boy band, chick!) before putting it in reverse, back to the starting position & then repeat in the opposite direction. ;)-Super Hero Bonus for keeping feet elevated during your exercise!That's it! Just do 10-15 Reps in 2-3 sets & you're well on your way to that photo-shoot-body you've been dreaming of, Sugar Britches! <3
Pelvic Thrusts
(I know, I know, I said 5... But I threw in an extra for good measure ;) )
-Lie down on the floor, on your back, with knees bent & feet flat on the floor.-Make sure your neck is relaxed & your lower back is pressed into the floor.-Sit babe on your hips & hold his hands (try lying baby on his back, if he's not holding that head up yet)-Lift those hips toward the ceiling as high as you can without raising your feet or shoulders off the floor.-Try to get a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.-Squeeze those booty cheeks together (Ewwwwww, weird, I know I know! Just trust me on this one.) when you thrust your hips up.-Lower your hips down to create a rep!Woo Hoo! Do 12 in a row to start off in 2-3 sets :D!-OR-You could just sit on the couch all day on Facebook (Click that to check me out, over there, by the way!), eating your MEGA stack Pringles, wishing you could get back into your pre-pregnancy clothes like your BFF who read my blog, first............. But that's just not YOU, girl, is it?I hope you have enjoyed this fun blog post & hopefully you learned a thing or two. Now, go workout with your cutie patootie & get in shape for that photoshoot you have coming up ;). Don't have a photoshoot coming up? Schedule one, here!
PS. I typically book 6-9 months out, so go ahead and schedule that session and use it as your "THINspiration", Supermom! YOU deserve this! Booking information --> RIGHT HERE ;-*.